At We Resist – Web Radio Collective you don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to Podcast. A set up as simple as a recording app on your phone and a quiet space to work will produce good audio. You can, of course, get as audiophile as you like and we won’t mind that sound love at all.

Who Can Podcast With Us?

We are looking for folks who are concerned about the world we live in and have constructive, thoughtful, possibly entertaining things to share with the world about that. We are starting out offering two hour max show slots.  Let us know if you would like to broadcast a show that is longer than 2 hours. Send us an email or use our submission form with your show idea and we will be in touch if we feel it might be a good fit for our station!

Currently, we are not asking for any fees for hosting and broadcasting your pod. We will, however, gladly accept your donations to help cover station expenses. We encourage amateur and seasoned pros alike to join us! Your show will stream to the US, UK and Canada. Pods may not contain any copyright content you do not have explicit written permission of license to use. Those music files cannot be accounted for properly under our music licensing agreement.

Follow this checklist for creating your show audio and submitting.

  1. Record: Record your show. You can use your phone, but we recommend learning the basics of how to record into DAW (digital audio workspace). I personally have used the APP Audacity for years and love it. You can even share your file straight from the workspace to our google drive folder.
  2. Send us your File: We will set up a private folder for you on our Google drive. We’ll edit, add station I’Ds, adjust the levels and boost the quality of your recording if needed. MP3 files are preferred. If your show requires, little to no editing, it can be ready for broadcast in as little as 3 days.

Other Important Guidelines

  • We are not charging for the Podcast program at this time.
  • Please limit your show run time to two hours. Please contact us if you would like to make other arrangements.
  • We encourage our Podcast partners to help us spread the word about the station. We provide graphics and links to ways to listen for you to use.